ReportOUT Three-Year Strategic Plan: 2022 – 2025
Score card - our previous strategic priorities and objectives
In our previous Three-Year Strategic Plan: 2019-2022, we set out a number of strategic priorities, which we aimed to guide us through our first three years of operation as a new organisation. Our RAG (red, amber, green) approach below was used as a guide to whether our strategic goals have been met.
We were very successful in achieving all of our strategic priorities and most of our objectives. Some are still ongoing as we evolve and bring them forward into our next set of strategic priorities and outcomes for 2022-2025.

Behind these strategic priorities were ‘Three Pillars of Movement’ for ReportOUT’s direction, which were all achieved.
You can see our three pillars, below:
Pillar 1
Year 1
Pillar 2
Year 2
Pillar 3
Year 3
Internal facing: Develop internal systems, policies and operations, and to begin the first major project
Public facing: Launch public facing events and campaigns to wider society. Spread the work of ReportOUT and develop allies
Global facing: Engage with global mechanisms and systems to support the work and impact of ReportOUT
Putting together our Three-Year Strategic Plan: 2022-2025 ->
Who we are & our governance ->
Our projects to date ->
Considering the future ->
Looking forward - our new strategic priorities and outcomes for 2022-2025 ->

In 2020 we proudly gained the Charity Excellence Framework Quality Mark. We used the scoring feedback from this exercise to also inform this Strategic Plan, and to predict and manage future risks and priorities.
In most categories of the Charity Excellence Framework Quality Mark we (‘user’) performed similar, or better than, the overall sector average. We see this as a very successful start to our first three years as an organisation. You can download our scores here.
Read about our new strategic priorities and outcomes here.